From Inside The Machine- SOL #11



Have you ever had an MRI? Until today, I hadn’t either. To be honest, I don’t even know what MRI stands for. All I know is it’s a machine that sees inside your body. And I’ve heard that it can make people freak out. Oh, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen one on Grey’s Anatomy before.

If you know me, or if you’ve read my blog lately, then you know I’ve had some problems with my back recently (and chronically). When I went in last week, the doctor ordered an MRI to see the extent of the nerve damage on my left side. Today was the day. In honor of my MRI, here’s a firsthand account of what it’s like inside the machine.

When I first arrived, I had to fill out a questionnaire asking me things like illnesses, surgeries, etc. that I’ve had, whether I have any metal inside my body (i.e. pins, plates, pacemaker, etc.), and whether I’ve ever suffered from claustrophobia before. Apparently people get really freaked out inside the MRI machine. Luckily, I’m not afraid of small spaces. 🙂 Following the questionnaire, I was led to a changing room where I had to remove all clothing, jewelry, etc. except for my undies. Wearing only a robe and pink crocs (ugh!), I was then ushered into the MRI room.

The first thing I noticed was the danger sign at the entrance. Pretty sure prolonged exposure to this machine can’t be good for you. Once I entered the room, I realized it was freezing! Not to worry, the nurse said, I’d have a blanket during the scan. The MRI machine looks like a white space ship/tunnel thing. It’s huge and nearly fills up the room! Climbing the stairs, I got up onto the “bed,” which is essentially a narrow table with an area at the end designed to hold your head in place. I laid down, and the nice nurse covered me with a blanket. Due to the apparent noise level I was about to encounter, I was given earplugs. In case of emergency (i.e. a freak out), I was instructed to hold a ball attached to a string. If I got scared or felt like I needed out immediately, I was to push the ball. Now I was ready to go into the space ship.

The MRI would take about 15 minutes I was told. During this time, I was not allowed to move a muscle, otherwise it would mess up the scan. The nurse pushed a button, and I slid slowly backwards until I was completely encased in the white tunnel. Closing my eyes, I listened to the sounds. Boy were they loud! I’m thankful I was given earplugs. I can’t imagine what it would have sounded like without them! At first, it sounded like sirens. You know the ones, where the ambulance tries to get you to move out of the way so they can get by. Following that, it sounded like I was in a club, listening to a trendy new techno jam. There was even a point where the table began to shake. I’m not sure if it was intentional or a byproduct of the loud noises emanating from the machine.

All in all, the experience was not exactly what I expected. I kind of thought I’d be freaked out or that the machine would do some crazy twists and turns with me inside it. It was a bit of a let down. I did get to see the scans of my bones…pretty cool! I’ve got an appointment on Friday to find out the results. Fingers crossed for good news! 🙂

In case you’re interested…here’s a picture of my insides!

15 thoughts on “From Inside The Machine- SOL #11

  1. cmargocs

    An interesting, descriptive slice! I’m glad it was an “okay” experience for you; I know folks who have to be medicated to endure a scan. And I think it’s cool to be able to see your insides, too!

    1. aggiekesler Post author

      Thanks! Yeah, I’m glad I don’t usually succumb to claustrophobia, or it could have been a bad experience. Although it’s a bit creepy, I think so, too!

  2. shaggerspicchu

    I wish that I could have been there with you today! I am very impressed with how strong you were. I love reading your narratives, you always seem to choose just the right words. I can always hear your voice, as if you are telling me your experience.

  3. Victoria

    I’ve always wondered what it was like in a MRI! You explained it perfectly! I also like the touch at the end, your insides looked like the where in pretty great shape!

  4. Lorraine

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging. I had one when I had viral meningitis so they could see if my brain was okay, or their at all. I never got to see the images, so hum, maybe they had nothing to show me. It was cold, and small, and I was drugged. I still managed to panic, so Richard stood at the end of the bed and held my feet the whole time. Best husband ever! The drugs kicked in and I think I fell asleep in there.

    1. aggiekesler Post author

      Cool! I didn’t know! 🙂
      So sorry to hear you had a bad experience, but I’m glad Richard was there to comfort you and help ease your worry. Oh, and so glad you’re better now! 🙂

  5. readsomuch

    I am supposed to have an MRI, so I appreciate your sharing. I’m guessing I’ll need the drugs like Lorraine – my mind will be my worst enemy! May the docs figure out how to best help you out!

    1. aggiekesler Post author

      I’m glad you got to hear what it’s like. You might not be as scared now, knowing what to expect. I hope the doctors can figure out your best course of treatment, too! Good luck!

  6. Pingback: MRI Results Are In!- SOL#16 | my heart is happiest when i travel. read. write. connect.

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