Springtime in Shanghai- SOL #22


Spring has arrived in Shanghai! With the sun beating down from a clear, blue sky, a slight breeze in the air, we donned our sunnies and light jackets, and began our walk. Stopping off at a park to converse with the locals selling their wares, I bought some hand-painted postcards from a young lady. I was her first customer! Eggs, toast, and potatoes mixed with good conversation and a few laughs provided us with a burst of energy!Β What started out as a plan to walk to Element Fresh and brunch with my friend Ann turned into an afternoon of wandering, exploring, and enjoying the beauty happening around the city. Take a trip with us through our neighborhood in Shanghai.


The crosswalk in the middle of the road is a bit weird, but once you get used to it, you hardly notice the bikes, scooters, and cars whizzing by you!


Buds blooming, bursting with excitement at the change of weather, anxious to make their debut, greet us as we meander.


A stop at the “big flower” for an obligatory selfie. The perfectly-manicured lawns, with their beautiful pansy beds provide a beautiful backdrop for us.


Pansies! πŸ™‚


An empty park in Shanghai on a sunny day! A rare find indeed! We enjoyed the weeping willow trees, which to us, seem very “Asian.”


We found what looks like tulips growing on trees…they were beautiful and sweet-smelling!


Even shoes need a little sunshine.


Sherpa’s guys have a tough job! This one’s taking an afternoon nap in the sun, most likely waiting for his next delivery call.


Yep, that’s a goat. On the sidewalk in Shanghai. Nothing really surprises me here anymore. πŸ™‚


The construction site of our new campus. While we couldn’t get in, we peeked through a partially open gate. Things were happening above ground! Yay!




And what day of walking around Shangers would be complete without a little window shopping? Here’s a look at some of the local fashion. I’m not gonna lie, I really love the baboon sweatshirt and the dog shirt. Took some self-restraint not to try them on. πŸ™‚

P.S. I’m so happy that I was able to walk over 8 miles yesterday with little back pain! πŸ™‚

3 thoughts on “Springtime in Shanghai- SOL #22

  1. jaclynfre

    Love checking out your hometown this way. The pop of spring reminds me that I am nostalgic for the 4 seasons, of course. πŸ™‚ Beautiful!! Your fashion pix are fabulous. So fun! Hope you have a chance to scoop up the baboon before it’s out of stock.


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