Year in Photos 2017 #sol18

Something I started a few years ago was reflecting on the past year through photos (you can click here to see my year in photos from 2016, 2015, and 2014). While I love telling my stories through words, there’s just something about a photo that can do it even better! Admittedly I take a lot of photos, so it takes me a while to sift through the virtual pile and narrow it down to the best ones. 2017 was a year of huge changes for me, both personally and professionally, and I am profoundly grateful to the people and experiences that marked this past year.




17 thoughts on “Year in Photos 2017 #sol18

  1. glenda funk

    I enjoyed scrolling through your photos. It looks as though you had some wonderful travel experiences.

  2. elsie

    Faces, places, and food all bring joy as you relive the best moments. Love the wild blowing hair at the Eiffel Tower. 🙂 Mango sticky rice and dumplings – YUM!

    1. aggiekesler Post author

      Yes! Mango sticky rice and dumplings are soooo yum! 🙂 That Eiffel Tower pic was a total accident, but ended up being my favorite shot from the trip!

  3. standingtall47

    What a great idea. It seems like you lived in 2017. You seem to have a little bit of everything going on. Love the food pics added to this as well. I’m sure each picture probably has a story to tell as well.

  4. karpenglish

    Wow! Quite a year! Travel, work, family, friends, and tons of beautiful (and hopefully tasty!) food. It looks like you had fun, except for the part about your poor ankle. And did I see two broken toes in there? OUCH! I loved the landscape shot of the green terraced hills. The colors were so intensely vivid. What was the white building with the group of Buddhas on the top? I’ve never seen anything like it.

  5. Pingback: Year in Photos 2018 | my heart is happiest when i travel. read. write. connect.

  6. Pingback: Year in Photos 2019 | my heart is happiest when i travel. read. write. connect.

  7. Pingback: Year in Photos 2020 | my heart is happiest when i travel. read. write. connect.

  8. Pingback: Year in Photos 2021 | my heart is happiest when i travel. read. write. connect.

  9. Pingback: Year in Photos 2022 | my heart is happiest when i travel. read. write. connect.

  10. Pingback: Year in Photos 2023 | my heart is happiest when i travel. read. write. connect.

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