Reflection on the SOL Challenge

I normally write my SOL challenge reflection on the last day of the challenge, but this is the slice that is begging to be written on this penultimate day.

When I started my twelfth Slice of Life Challenge thirty days ago, I was giddy and ready to write, write, write! However, a few days into the challenge, Covid blew up in Korea and we started to have large amounts of students and teachers test positive. All of my energy went to Covid triage, leaving me with little left to devote to my writing.

In all my years taking part in the challenge, this one has been the hardest. While I have written every day (some days I wasn’t sure if I would, but I eked something out), the joy I normally have has been overshadowed by everything going on outside of my writing life. I’m saddened by this fact and wish I could have a do-over. As a commenter, I’ve not lived up to the usual daily number of comments as I have in past years. That’s the essence of the challenge, and the part I love the most- connecting with wide range of writers. If I haven’t commented on your blog enough, I apologize. It’s not you, it’s me.

As I limp to the finish line this year, I am proud that I managed to finish (well, almost…one more day to go), but have much regret. I am hopeful that 2023 will be easier (it has to be, right?) and I can get back into my regular groove. Thank you to this community of writers that supports one another, even when we’re going through a hard time.

4 thoughts on “Reflection on the SOL Challenge

  1. hsatlas

    I think you raise a really important point that writing does become more difficult when life is tougher. I know what you mean about eking out the writing rather than feeling the joy you usually feel. Here’s to better times, and a happier March 2023. My best to you.

  2. Terje

    You have no need to apologise for anything. You have a tough year. You wrote. You commented. The community loves having you here with us. I am so happy that you stayed here even though you could have quit. Hugs to you!

  3. mschiubookawrites

    No apologies or regrets; living through a pandemic (and everything else going on) has everyone on edge. When we look back to this year of slicing, I hope we see that we persevered even when it was tough. Thank you for your comments and slices. They truly fueled me during those particularly tough days. Looking forward to next year already.


I {heart} comments.