Daily Archives: March 12, 2022


When I can’t settle on one idea for a slice or when my mind is thinking about many things, I like to write my TBAs. It’s a reflective exercise I learned many years ago from a wise friend, which stands for Truths, Beauties, and Appreciations.


  1. My back pain flared up earlier this week, making it difficult to sleep, but luckily I’ve felt much better today.
  2. The Covid outbreak at my school is starting to let up…I hope it stays that way!
  3. I’ve been feeling a little down lately and I’m not sure why. Hopefully the winter melting away will lift my spirits.
  4. I haven’t been living out my OLW (Health) lately. I need to focus more on my health, both physical and mental. When things are stressful at work, I tend to revert back to old habits.
  5. I love shopping for clothes in person, but shopping online is so tedious and boring. I want some new clothes, but online shopping takes so much time that I generally just give up.


  1. My green plants, which always make me smile.
  2. The new Pixar movie “Turning Red” is such a lovely film! I watched it this afternoon and loved all of it. It’s a perfect coming of age movie, depicting an honest mother/daughter relationship, the struggles and fun parts of being a teenager, and what puberty is like.
  3. The sweet smelling candle I’ve been burning all day makes my house seem so cozy.
  4. Spring Break is on the horizon, and in a month, I’ll be traveling to the mainland with friends. We are going to Seoul for some much-needed city life, where we’ll stay at a fancy hotel, go shopping, explore the city, and eat out at some delicious restaurants.
  5. My stack of to-read books that I am so looking forward to reading soon.


  1. The warm spring weather today. The sun was shining, there was a light breeze, and the temperature had warmed considerably, rendering my coat unnecessary for the first time in months.
  2. Having a whole day to myself to do whatever I wanted to do, which to be honest, wasn’t much.
  3. Coming home to a clean home yesterday. My cleaner comes on Fridays, which is always a special treat to start off the weekend.
  4. A friend of mine had surgery yesterday, and it went really well. Now onto the recovery, which will likely be a long road.
  5. The fact that quarantine is being lifted soon in Korea, which means I can spend more time at home this summer. I can’t wait to spend more time with my parents, nieces and nephew, and brother and sister in law, plus all of my extended family.