Two Years Ago

Two Years Ago

Two years ago, I was well into lockdown and figuring out this thing called online learning.
Two years later, I move around freely and get to be in person at school.

Two years ago, I was living in Jakarta, Indonesia, finishing up my third year.
Two years later, I’m living in Jeju, South Korea, finishing up my second year.

Two years ago, I did all my shopping online and had everything delivered.
Two years later, I pop down to the shops to pick up what I want.

Two years ago, I didn’t own any masks and the idea of wearing one was completely foreign.
Two years later, I have a basket full of colorful cloth masks and mask straps near the door, match them to my outfits, and can’t imagine leaving the house without one.

Two years ago, I was perfecting my banana bread baking skills.
Two years later, I can’t remember the last time I baked banana bread.

Two years ago, the airports were eerily empty.
Two years later, the airports are bustling again.

Two years ago, I was terrified of catching Covid.
Two years later, I’ve had Covid and luckily it wasn’t that bad.

Two years ago, I spent all my time alone.
Two years later, I can be social again.

Two years ago, I never used the words quarantine, PCR test, or travel restrictions.
Two years later, they are part of my everyday vocabulary.

Two years ago, I thought everything would go back to normal soon.
Two years later, I’m not even sure what normal is anymore.

Two years ago, Covid was all people talked about.
Two years later, Covid is all people talk about.

14 thoughts on “Two Years Ago

  1. Stacey Shubitz

    I can relate to a lot of this. (Though Ari and I regularly bake banana bread and banana oat muffins — just because we like it!) However, my life hasn’t really gone back to normal yet. I’m really hoping I can travel again for work during the 2022-23 school year. I’ve been extremely cautious since two of us have underlying health issues that would probably make catching Covid pretty awful. That said, I do have big travel plans for the summer of 2023 so that’s exciting to look forward to!

  2. Terje

    I can imagine that many of us can relate. Today the line “I’m not even sure what normal is anymore” speaks loudly. In Estonia Covid has almost disappeared from the news and war in Ukraine is on everyone’s mind.

  3. Fran Haley

    This repetition and rhythm reads like poetry. It is a marvelous artifact of the times… you amde me remember something: This week, my school psychologist and I were looking at a student’s data for a referral and she commented that before COVID, “quarantine” was a word many kids couldn’t read. Now most of them know it instantly when they see it.

  4. livinglife816287820

    Such a great slice, the comparisons are fascinating…I feel over here, covid is beginning to be superseded by the war in Ukraine, which is like from bad to worse. You’re right normal is never going to be the same again….

  5. mschiubookawrites

    This post serves as nice time capsule. These lines gave me chills-
    “Two years ago, I thought everything would go back to normal soon.
    Two years later, I’m not even sure what normal is anymore.”


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