A Slice About Not Slicing- SOL #16


This is my fifth year to join the Slice of Life Challenge. In 2011, I sliced, but not every day, and I was OK with that since I was a newbie. During my second year, I sliced every day- all 31 days- and felt really good about it! It was tough, but the fact that I proved to myself I could do it was really rewarding. I continued my 31-day streak in both 2013 and 2014, and was excited to once again finish strong, with a perfect 31/31 record. But, I messed up.

Let me start from the beginning. Prior to the start of the Challenge, I was going through a lot and knew that this commitment might be hard to keep, but I was determined not to let anything get in the way. I sliced through some really tough days, and it came out in my writing. I guess you can say I wrote through the pain and, while therapeutic, there were days I wasn’t sure I’d have time to slice, but I powered through anyway. Then, on day 11, the fog started to clear and I was starting to get back to the old me. My slice was about just that, getting back to who I am and seeing the positive side again.

Well…day 12 came along and I took a beating. I looked for a positive aspect that day, some sliver of something good to slice about, but nothing came. I couldn’t write about something negative right after I’d just posted this “everything’s gonna be alright” post, could I? I decided to sleep on it, and write about something in the morning (being in China and 12 hours ahead means I can technically post 12PM-12PM, so halfway between days), figuring that something would happen to give me an idea to write about. From the time I got to school, it was nonstop! I actually had a really good day, full of slice ideas, but it wasn’t until after lunch, when my Head of School asked me to take a quick walk down the block to buy a Coke, that it hit me. He asked me, “So, how’s your writing coming along?” Really great, I told him, suddenly remembering I still needed to slice for yesterday. Glancing at my phone, I realized it was nearly 1PM. Man! I just missed the deadline to post today! Surprisingly, I didn’t feel defeated then, but it’s been weighing on me ever since, bothering me every time I slice and my SOL# in my title is one less than the date. I know I need to forgive myself and not be so hard on myself, but I made a commitment to slice 31 out of 31 days, and I failed. Writing about it has helped, and it isn’t the end of the world. I’m looking forward to next year, when I’ll once again slice all 31 days!

17 thoughts on “A Slice About Not Slicing- SOL #16

  1. Robyn Bindrich

    Like you, I wrote on some tough days, feeling confident that I could do this. And like you, the first day I missed, I didn’t realize until an hour too late. Alas, I was on a writing retreat, and though I wrote so much, I didn’t have access to post. I feel okay about that, and you should too. I love how you ended with hope for next year!

    1. aggiekesler Post author

      Thanks for the encouragement! It really stinks, but it isn’t the end of the world. I’m definitely not giving up…going to keep on writing! So jealous you were on a writing retreat! That sounds like a dream. 🙂

  2. elsie

    Hey, it’s all good! At least you didn’t throw up your hands and say, I missed a day, I’m stopping. Heck no, the spunk in you said, keep on going. That shows grit. Sometimes life happens and you just have to roll with it. Keep rolling!

  3. arlsvera

    I’m impressed that you have written as much as you have … I simply cannot find something to write about for 31 days in a row! I am happy if I can post on Tuesdays. You write good stuff .. keep it up!

  4. barbarasut

    It’s always good to get back on the horse! And you did. I think everyone has a story about screwing up…not a life or death matter…just some way in which we weren’t quite perfect or up to the challenge. Maybe the SOL leaders should create an “also ran…category” so at least those who miss a day or two can still be acknowledged. Glad you are still here.

    A One-of-a-Kind Dinner Party

  5. maryannreilly

    Rules are so meant to be broken. Perhaps what called you away from the writing was more critical, more important. A challenge is simply a motivation, not a sentence.

  6. Stacey Shubitz

    Definitely good to have written about it for your own sake. But, like Elsie said, you didn’t quit. You’re not going to let missing a day stop you and that’s awesome. Keep up the great writing!

  7. tomockthekillingbird

    It is hard to write every day. The ideas are sometimes difficult, but it’s mostly time. And I’ve written about how writing before bed keeps me up! I’m excited to be done, but hopefully this has pushed me into the habit writing more.


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