
Every country has its perks, the things that make life just a little sweeter. America has tons of perks…being able to go to one grocery store and find everything you could possibly want (and more!), endless restaurant choices, family who lives in the same country, no language barrier, TARGET!, and the list goes on.

Living in Thailand has afforded me some pretty great perks. The cost of living cheap, especially when compared to the US, and markets, restaurants, and transportation are inexpensive. One of my favorite perks, however, is the low cost of luxuries like massages, facials, blow outs, nails, etc. In the US, I never got a facial, rarely got a massage, only got a blow out when I got a haircut, and splurged on my nails. Here, I can have all of these things without breaking the bank. A massage sets me back about 6 bucks for an hour (I know…I feel like I’m robbing them), a facial is $15, gel nails are $15-20 (a little pricey in my opinion), and a blow out is about 5 bucks.

After school today, Julie and I headed to her favorite facial place, a little hole in the wall that you would never find on your own in a million years, but was recommended to her by a Thai friend. Through a long hallway, we walk past some pretty interesting smells from the various vendors selling their wares until we reach our destination. A modest shop run by one woman, it’s definitely not the spa experience you would get in the States, but we aren’t paying top dollar either, so we embrace it.

With someone already in the midst of her facial, we have to wait. I decide to hobble down a few stalls to a woman who does hair to get a hair wash and blow out. The thing I love about hair washes here is that you get a really nice head massage while she washes your hair. Lately, showering poses its challenges, so not having to wash my own hair is a plus! After my wash, she blow dries it straight, making me realize just how long my hair really is. 🙂

It was finally time for my facial! Laying back, I close my eyes while she does her magic. She follows a regiment of massaging various soaps and mild exfoliators onto my face in circular, upward motions, sponging my face clean between each different cleaner.

My favorite part, mainly because I find it so interesting, is when she uses a flat piece of wood (I think? It might be bone…who knows?) to try and smooth out my wrinkles. She uses it to massage my face, in upward motions of course, to eliminate the creases. Another thing she does is try to help define my cheekbones by using the tool to go around my cheekbones a few times. I don’t actually think this in any way smoothes or eliminates my wrinkles, but the fact that she believes it does makes me love it. Lastly, she massages a really nice cream into my skin, which leaves me with a slight glow.

There are some definite perks to living in Thailand! Kinda loving these two today. 🙂


14 thoughts on “Perks

  1. elsie

    I’ve never had a facial. I will take your word for it that it is a lovely experience. When I was in Bangkok, I had a foot massage. It was the most painful experience ever! I could not wait to get out of there. It was not the gentle foot rub I envisioned. So massaging in Bangkok scares me a bit. 🙂

  2. MAK

    I had one of those perks once – a haircut and blow out after traveling with a backpack for 3 months. It was much needed and one of my fondest memories of relaxation! Until a few days later when I washed my hair and let it dry naturally. My naturally wavy hair looked so long blown out, and butchered when it curled up again. I mourned the loss of several inches of hair – but I still think about that head massage!

  3. strasskt

    I love this post! You have to enjoy these little things when visiting other places. In Colombia, I’ve been enjoying massages wayyyy more than I ever would in the U.S. (if ever?). I like how you chose to focus on what the positives are living in Thailand, instead of the difficulties.

  4. Lisa V Vahey

    I’m giggling a bit about the piece of wood/bone — it’s all about the ritual and the sense of purpose, and though you might still have wrinkles, the moments of self-care are to be treasured. I LOVE facials (and I don’t know why I don’t bite the bullet and get them more often… this post is inspiring me!).

  5. bjdonaldson

    This slice really lets your writer’s voice shine through. It sounds like so much fun to have all these luxuries at such a wonderful price! How is your ankle, by the way?

    1. aggiekesler Post author

      Ankle is healing…slowly, but surely. Today is the 2 week mark. I’m told to try putting weight on it. I’m trying. 🙂 Thanks for checking in!!

  6. karpenglish

    I’ve never been to Thailand, but a Thai massage with all sort of traditional techniques is my favorite thing here in the States. It is sort of like having yoga done to your body, and involves a lot of things like someone yanking on one leg while pushing against your body with their leg, but it is amazing for getting out the kinks and crinkles in the joints and has been wonderful after all my injuries- kind of getting everything realigned where it is supposed to be after limping/pain/crutches. Lovely!


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