My Thai Emergency Room Experience

Yesterday, I was in a scooter accident that sent me to the emergency room. Click here to read the first slice about the accident.

After fighting stop and go traffic, where it took us 45 minutes to go the 5 miles to the hospital, we finally arrived. As soon as we stopped in front of the emergency room entrance, an orderly rushed out with a wheelchair, and I was promptly taken inside. Wheeling past the registration desk, I was taken to bed 7, and helped onto the gurney. Crying and unable to stay still, 2 nurses and a doctor were by my bedside in an instant. After ascertaining my personal information from my driver’s license and insurance card, they began checking my vitals and examining my wounds.

“Tell me what happened.” Through cries and fast, shallow breaths, I recounted the basics of the accident. Turned right in front of me…tried to stop…hit him…skidded on pavement…scooter landed on my ankle…I was wearing a helmet.

“We’ll need an x-ray to see if you’ve broken your ankle.” In preparation for the x-ray, the nurse laid pieces of gauze over my open wound. The simple act of placing feather-weight gauze on my ankle sent intense pain through my body. Clutching the bedrail, tears streaming down my face, I made them promise they wouldn’t clean the wound without first giving me pain meds. The thought of cleaning it without something to take the edge off was too unbearable to think about.

Another orderly appeared to wheel me to the x-ray room. Florescent lights streamed past, as we twisted and turned through hallways. As we entered the elevator, I thought, this must be what those patients on Grey’s Anatomy feel like. Only being able to look up, rather than forward, as you are wheeled through an unknown place creates another layer of anxiety of what’s to come.

In the x-ray room, the technician asked, “Have you dependency?”

With my face scrunched up, I asked, “What?”

“Have you dependency?”

“Do I have dependents? No, I’m single, no kids.”

“No…have you dependency?” This time, his question was accompanied by actions. Mimicking a pregnant belly, I finally understood.

“No, I’m not pregnant.”

Taking x-rays of my ankle in a couple positions, the process took just a couple of minutes. Then, we headed back to the E.R. where the real pain would soon begin.

The doctor, after having reviewed the x-rays, said the words I wanted to hear. “Your ankle’s not broken.” Thank God! According to her, there was damage to the soft tissue and muscles surrounding my ankle. I’d have to stay off of it for the next couple of weeks, but then I should be able to start putting weight on it again.

Per my request, I was given an injection of some pain medication, and told it would take effect in about 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes later, my pain had only reduced from an 8 to a 5, but the nurse said the cleaning had to happen in order to prevent infection. Preparing for a stream of saline, I clenched my teeth and held onto the bedrail.

What happened next was some of the most intense pain I’ve ever experienced. The nurse began spraying a numbing chemical directly into the wound, sending a searing sensation through my body. Uncontrollably, I began screaming bloody murder, cursing, and kicking my good leg. Julie held my leg down, as I later found out, in an effort to prevent me from kicking the nurse in the head. Another nurse stroked my arm, telling me it was going to be okay. I didn’t believe a word she said. Following the nasty spray, I was doused in saline, and the nurse began scrubbing my wound. Yes, scrubbing my open wound. According to Julie, I must have taken the entire road with me, as dirt and debris poured out and onto the plastic mat underneath me. There was so much junk in there that halfway through, they had to change the mat beneath my leg. The same procedure was repeated with my toes, which had also, despite wearing tennis shoes, experienced gnarly road rash.

After the cleaning, they applied betadine and anitbiotic ointment before placing a special thin layer of gauze-like material designed to prevent the dressing from sticking to the wound. My ankle was then wrapped up in a layer of gauze, as were each of my toes, which now looked like white little sausages. My arm, which sustained a 5-inch long road rash burn on my elbow and forearm, now needed to be cleaned. The procedure, along with the pain, followed.

Once I’d calmed down, I was seen by an orthopedic doctor, based on my complaints about pain in my hip. After I told him my medical history with back pain (scoliosis and sciatica), he scheduled a follow-up appointment to see me in a week, saying that at this time, with the damage to my foot and leg, he would be unable to ascertain whether my hip pain was related to the injury or not. He was very knowledgeable and kind, and didn’t rush, which I really appreciated.

My wounds bandaged, I was taken in a wheelchair to the rehab wing of the hospital to be fitted with crutches. The nurse gave me some basic lessons on how to walk with crutches, and then I was given some time to practice. Leg first, then crutches, when going up the stairs. Crutches first when going down. Being on crutches is no joke! It’s super tough, and I’m really glad it’s only for a few weeks. I admire those who have to do it for longer.

Last up was the pharmacy, where I was given antibiotics to fight possible infection, muscle relaxers, pain medicine, and Tylenol in case of fever. All in all, I only had to pay for the crutches, ice packs, and meds, which totaled about $90. Insurance covered the rest (less than $200).

Before we left, we talked the orderly into wheeling me over to the Starbucks for an iced tea and a sweet treat. Yes, there is a Starbucks inside the hospital!

While I was still in pain, I was grateful for the kind and attentive doctors and nurses, and the high quality medical care I received. Oh, and I was super pumped that my ankle wasn’t broken!

I was a little worse for wear (okay, a lot worse), but here’s me on my way out of the hospital. I’ll spare you the gory photos of my foot. It’s a little hard to stomach.


27 thoughts on “My Thai Emergency Room Experience

  1. Going Global: An International Adventure Series...

    OMG! OK, I’ll focus on your slice. I was literally cringing with your descriptions. While I am so sorry this happened to you, you did a really nice job of describing the situation and making it pretty humorous – which I imagine it wasn’t. Dependency, huh? Ah, Thai life.

  2. elsie

    Yikes! I was cringing the whole time reading your description of the cleaning of the wound. Thank goodness it wasn’t broken, but crutches are no fun. Preschoolers will be a challenge on crutches. Take care of yourself!

  3. wordjourneysite

    I laughed about the interpretation of dependency! But the descriptions of your wound and your pain made me cringe – I am a wimp when it comes to pain, blood, hospitals, etc. My daughter is a nurse – go figure.
    I hope you heal quickly and be careful out in the crazy traffic!

  4. lindabaie

    Wow, Aggie, I’ve been trying to stop by different people that I know, but haven’t read any of your posts, yet. What a terrible time, but I am glad it isn’t broken, and that it seems you had very good care. My daughter broke her leg skiing last year & it wasn’t easy with those crutches. Take it slow was her best advice.

  5. Aunt Kathy

    Oh Jennifer, so sorry you were in such pain and it all sounds so terrifying. You are very brave but that was tough! When you are up to it plz call. (If that was you yesterday, I was driving 😢) Will be thinking of you on those crutches and a classroom of preschoolers….oh my!! Keep them away from your poor foot. Hugs and ❤️

    1. aggiekesler Post author

      Love you Aunt Kathy! I’m not excited about teaching with crutches. At least I’m off Monday at the least. Taking it day by day. Yes, it was me. I’ll try again soon.

  6. Frances A Mccrackin

    So sorry for this accident and your painful ordeal. But great descriptions, especially about all the road debris washing off your poor body! So many people fear something like this happening in another country- how wonderful that all these people stopped to help, and with English, too.

    1. aggiekesler Post author

      Thank you! I was trying to capture the essence of my experiences through my descriptions. I’m so thankful that so many people helped me, too!

  7. karpenglish

    That sounds like a harrowing experience. I’m glad nothing is broken, though it sounds awful and painful anyway. I’ve read your earlier posts, so I know you are teaching preschool. Working with the littles while on crutches should be an interesting challenge. Good luck as you navigate the next couple of weeks.

  8. bjdonaldson

    Your emotions were captured so well in your slice. I’m so glad that, in spite of the pain, your ankle is getting better and there is no infection. Your writing made me feel your agony. I had to smile when you stopped in Starbucks. Thank heaven for life’s little blessings. So happy you are on the mend.

  9. Adrienne

    My gut was clenched almost this entire piece. You did a marvelous job describing the pain. I almost had to stop and gird myself for the rest. I hope the crutches have you buff in no time. Until they do, they are instruments of torture.

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