Today I… #sol16 8 of 31


Today I…

Today I had treats waiting on my desk when I arrived in the morning. (Thank you Treat Fairy!)

Today I was invited to a classroom where students shared their ideas for saving the planet by taking small actions in our school community. Action is the heart of the PYP! πŸ™‚

Today I had a better day than yesterday.

Today I held four curriculum meetings and one team meeting.

Today I got to talk a lot about writing, and it felt good! I realize how much I miss being a literacy coach.

Today I gazed at my flowers I received yesterday for Albanian Teacher’s Day. I love fresh flowers!

Today I realized it’s my bestie’s 1 month countdown to her baby’s arrival!!!

Today I wished loads of women Happy International Women’s Day!

Today I treated myself to a manicure and pedicure. Now I’m pretty in pink! πŸ™‚

Today I am slicing from a bar, where I’m munching on chips and guac and drinking a Malibu and Coke. I sorta love it.

Today I made children laugh.

Today I read. And not just emails!

Today I scared two people…and then proceeded to laugh my head off!

Today I wished a fabulous friend a happy birthday…so sad I’m not there to celebrate with her this year.

Today I booked a car for my road trip to Greece this weekend.

Today I had such a great conversation about writing and teaching with a colleague and friend.

Today I was productive.

Today I was happy.

22 thoughts on “Today I… #sol16 8 of 31

  1. elsie

    Now that’s the way to have a great day! Each item alone could bring a smile, but what a bouquet of special-ness for this day!

  2. maribethbatcho

    Thanks for the post, and the reminder that sometimes lovely things come from the simple. No need to complicate or overthink. The scaffold was enough…Have a great time in Greece!

  3. Pingback: Today I… | wahooliteracyteacher

  4. bjdonaldson

    I think this is a great structure for a slice. Very effective. Moving through your day as you did in this slice made me feel like I was right there with you. Thanks for sharing.

    I used to live in Greece. Have a great trip and enjoy the beautiful countryside.

  5. cmargocs

    Omigosh, I love this list. I needed to read about someone’s happy day as I sit here all grumpy from mine…this is one of the perks of the SOLSC, living vicariously through others’ blogs!


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