Keeping Busy

This is the first Spring Break in about 10 years that I haven’t traveled. I had planned on traveling to Perth for the week, but for obvious reasons, that trip was cancelled. Instead, I’m spending the week at home, and after a weekend of relaxing, I was restless today.

I decided to tackle cleaning out the fridge and freezer to see what I had and organize everything, making sure I had enough food for the next few weeks of quarantine. After pulling out everything in the freezer, I realized I had lots more food than I thought. In order to remember what I had, I made lists on sticky notes and stuck them to the outside of the freezer. My plan is to cross off things as I use them.

I cleaned out and organized the fridge, too, but I didn’t make lists, as I am able to clearly see everything. I organized the shelves by food categories (dairy, condiments, leftovers, sweets, fruits, veggies), which will help me know when I need to restock.

It wasn’t a super exciting task, but it was rewarding once I was done!

12 thoughts on “Keeping Busy

  1. Adrienne

    This is our new reality – taking joy in mundane tasks. I cooked for three days to stock my freezer! I think next week, I will do some baking to add to the freezer.

  2. Terje

    I can’t remember I have known anyone who has organised their fridge so well as you did. I am glad you felt satisfied. What’s the plan for tomorrow?

    1. aggiekesler Post author

      Thanks Terje! Let’s see if it stays that well organized. haha 🙂 The plan for today was to start my online course, which I did, and then do some personal things like reading and stuff around the house, but I ended up getting called into a meeting for a few hours and then having to do some work. What about you?

  3. livinglife816287820

    Wow you do have a lot of food on hand, especially after being in quarantine for so long already! Well done you, and excellent fridge and freezer cleaning techniques and listing! So organised…!

  4. Darin Johnston

    I love this project! I will be tackling our pantry and possibly our freezer as we continue to bake, can, and freeze some of our purchases from the store. It’s good to be organized and prepared! 🙂

    Thank you for making me feel not quite so nutty! 🙂


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