Well…it’s here

All that’s been on anyone’s mind these days is Coronavirus, especially for people like me who live in Asia. Until today, Indonesia has claimed that we have had no cases of the virus here, and while the world scoffed at the idea that we could possibly have zero cases, Indonesia was steadfast in its resolve that we didn’t have it.

All of us have known that there had to be cases here since we are so close to other countries with confirmed cases and we’ve had lots of tourists visiting from other Asian countries, but due to the level of healthcare and lack of testing kits, not to mention how it would look to the rest of the world, we’ve not confirmed any cases. Well…all of that has changed. Earlier today, the President announced that there were two confirmed cases. Upon hearing the news, I was not the least bit surprised, nor was I worried.

It wasn’t until this afternoon, when we learned that one of our teachers had been hospitalized and put into isolation for a possible case of Coronavirus, that anxiety set in. The teacher has been sick, but it wasn’t until today that she was admitted into the hospital and learned that she had been in contact with the two confirmed cases. After a long meeting, we’ve made the tough decision to close the school beginning tomorrow while all community members go into self-quarantine for 14 days (unless the test results are negative, at which case we will reevaluate the situation).

We’ll be planning tomorrow and meeting virtually as a staff, with online learning beginning on Wednesday. It’s a less than ideal situation and we are all apprehensive about what all this means, but I hope that the results are negative and that the teacher is okay and heals quickly. In situations like this, you question lots of things, wonder about what will happen, and pray that it doesn’t happen to you or those you care about.

It’s been a mentally and emotionally exhausting day and I’m ready to try and get some sleep.

27 thoughts on “Well…it’s here

  1. livinglife816287820

    Oh yes, that’s tough, my daughter was teaching in Shanghai till last year and she has friends who are still there and are now teaching virtually. They haven’t been back at school since the Chinese New Year and may not go back to school till May! I really hope your school closure is a lot shorter than that!

    1. aggiekesler Post author

      I have friends in China, Vietnam, and Hong Kong all in the same boat! It’s definitely not an easy road, but I hope that it will all be over soon.

  2. glenda funk

    This is a scary turn of events. I suspect there are more cases of coronavirus in the U.S. than our lying president realizes. Your post made me think about ways my path has crossed w/ Indonesians during my travels. Wishing you and your colleagues and students health and safety.

      1. glenda funk

        Indeed. I’m going to find the contact information for a family from Malaysia we met while in Czech Republic last October and reach out to them just to check in and see if they’re okay.

  3. elsie

    I’ve been thinking about you and wondering if you were affected. Now I know. Thankfully your school is quick to take action. I hope the colleague heals quickly and no one else is infected.

  4. Pam Ela

    Oh, gracious. There are so many different aspects of your situation that have to be stressful, particularly knowing someone who’s ill. I wish you all the best in the coming days as you journey through this time. You’ll be in my thoughts!

  5. lgrainger125

    It’s a scary time for humanity. May you, your colleagues and student body weather this health crisis. Thanks for sharing your perspective.

  6. Stacey Shubitz

    Well, that did hit close to home. I think it is incredible what your staff is doing to plan virtually so the learning can continue for the kids.
    I know there’s at least one other Slicer (I can’t recall who!) that’s in quarantine because of COVID-19. I hope the two of you can link up so you can commiserate.
    Stay healthy & safe!

  7. Terje

    Sorry to hear. The situation changes quickly. We have procedures in place. Currently anyone who visited or were in contact with anyone from list 1 countries, are at home in self-isolation for two weeks. School is open. We just wait and act as needed. Estonia has 1 confirmed case and this person is reported to get better.

  8. Rita K.

    Wow! I can certainly understand how your anxiety to elevate quickly when you found out the virus was in your own school. So sorry you have to deal with this. Positive thought and prayers sent your way.

  9. Susan Kennedy

    Oh gracious, sending you hope for a good outcome. We have begun conversations of what we might do here. Kindergarten doesn’t seem to lend itself to distance learning. Sounds like your strong community will move forward together. Wishing you health.

  10. evarkaplan

    I think it’s great that you were calm when the virus first appeared.Sending you positive vibes and good wishes that this will pass soon and that it will stay contained. I hope blogging will help you get through this time!

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