OLW 2017

For the past few years, I’ve chosen One Little Word (OLW) to guide me through the year and help me focus on my goals. I love the practice of choosing OLW rather than making a new year’s resolution because, like most people, I inevitably break my new year’s resolution within several weeks of making it. After I break it, I feel defeated and throw in the towel, vowing to try again next year. The difference between making a resolution and choosing one little word is that there’s nothing to break with OLW. It’s a focus for the year, something that’s always in the forefront of your mind as you make decisions, helping you go down the path you want to take, without the fear of messing up taunting you.

Last year was a tough year for me, personally and professionally, and I felt like I limped into 2017, beaten down and dejected. I’ve made some major changes in my life on my journey to finding happiness and joy again, and I’m determined that 2017 will be my year! So far, it’s leaps and bounds better than 2016! 🙂

In January, I began by making a list of potential OLWs. I mulled over my list, trying to pick the right word, the word that best seemed to fit what I want to get out of 2017. Some of the words on my list were heal, joy, rebuild, connect, begin, and empowered. As I pondered my list, one word kept coming to mind. One word gave me hope and felt like it would help steer me as I navigated the inevitable newness.


Photo credit: aliedwards.com

Begin. This word hold so much promise. Begin means to start, initiate, or set in motion. I am determined to put one foot in front of the other and begin. I have recently begun a new job, and in the fall, I will begin another. A few of my goals this year are to begin writing again, reading more fervently, exercising, and get back to being me again. This word resonates with me on so many levels, and I am enthusiastic about all the things I will begin this year.

What’s your One Little Word for this year?


7 thoughts on “OLW 2017

  1. Terje

    How people find their word or how the word finds the person is fascinating to read about. it amazes me how OLW can actually have so much power in guiding a person just the way the person needs in that particular year. I hope your word nudges and supports you well.

  2. room311news

    I love your word! I have done this for the past several years and it helps to keep a focus! Good luck with beginning your new job and ideas!

  3. elsie

    Sounds like the perfect word for you. There is a beginning to everything we do. I celebrate your attitude and approach to starting over in all aspects.

  4. Going Global: An International Adventure Series...

    reading about your personal journey is inspirational! Begin. Powerful word. So wise for one so young. 😌 Waiting for your next post….

  5. wordjourneysite

    Love your goals – writing, fervent reading and exercising are near and dear to my heart! I am not familiar with OLW, but like the concept – it’s so hard to pick that one word!
    Good luck on your journey – so glad it has begun well for you in 2017!


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