Today has been a shitty kinda day. As in an ugly cry at work before 9:00am kinda day. As in an I still can’t breathe through my nose after being sick for over a week kinda day. As in a felt exhausted, physically and mentally, and sore all over kinda day.

But instead of dwelling on the shitty day I had, I will focus on the good parts that happened. A decade ago, I started writing TBAs when I needed a shift in mindset. TBAs stand for Truths, Beauties, and Appreciations. Here are mine from today.


I have some truly amazing colleagues and friends who checked in on me today when they knew I wasn’t myself. They gave me hugs, listened, and sent reassuring texts.

I am headed to Australia tomorrow for the IB Global Conference. While I’m stressed because I haven’t yet packed, am not feeling well, and am dreading the 22-hour journey, I am looking forward to meeting up with some old friends, visiting a city I’ve not yet been, and learning lots about the PYP.

I booked my April Break finally! I’ll be headed to Phu Quoc, Vietnam with Michelle and Jo. We will get to relax, spend time at the beach and the pool, read a lot, and eat some delicious food. I’ve got something to look forward to!


The hyacinth growing on Frances’s windowsill.

The cute cupcakes we had for Amina’s birthday.

The gorgeous Spring day we had was such a welcome surprise after the very cold temperatures earlier this week.


I appreciate my boss telling me that I can take the morning off tomorrow since I’ve not been well.

We had a lovely time at the little Italian restaurant tonight for Amina’s birthday. The food was delicious, as always, and the conversation wasn’t all about work, which I really appreciated.

Plants are in bloom now that spring has sprung! I enjoyed seeing all the beautiful fields full of yellow rapeseed flowers as we drove to dinner this evening.

18 thoughts on “TBAs

  1. Celia Fisher

    I tend to read backwards through slices sometimes, so just came across this one! Hope you’re feeling better now and have been able to take the necessary amount of time off. Good on you for focusing on the good sides of life to keep your spirits up.

  2. Book Dragon

    Your opening paragraph had me hooked because we have all been there. The use of italics was effective, highlighting the intensity of emotions.
    I was intrigued how you would move forward and cope, despite the turbulence.

    I love your format of TBI and will steal it. Thank you for providing me with an anchor text!

  3. Denise Krebs

    Jennifer, oh, you were sick during your break last week, and so much going on. What a beautiful diversion when you are having these times–TBA. Like Celia, I’ll add this to my list of future slices and practices. I guess I don’t have to just write about it. I can do it all the time, like today’s lovely rainbow in my back yard.

  4. Fran McCrackin

    “An ugly-cry at work before 9:00 AM kind of day…” is a fantastic line (sorry you had to be miserable to create it.) TBA’s sound like a powerful mental health habit. Will adopt, thanks.
    And I look forward to reading what you have to say about Australia!

  5. rdicarne

    I loved your description of the day. My day today was crappy, and I could hardly write. I think I will do a TBI before I go to bed to make the day seem not so bad. Thanks!

  6. Terje

    Gratitude does wonders. Since I am reading this many days later, I know the dark down day has passed. The beauty of impermanence.

  7. Pingback: It’s Over Already?!? | my heart is happiest when i travel. read. write. connect.

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