Feeling it today

uncertainty breeds fear
the unknown
makes you question
what’s the right thing
to do

when you’re not given
accurate information
or it’s being withheld
anxiety sets in

should i stay
or go
what would keep me

over two weeks of
no end in sight
a new way of life

the need
for human contact
growing stronger each day
all i need is
a hug

18 thoughts on “Feeling it today

  1. Melissa Rosaaen

    Feeling it with you sister. It’s got to be more difficult as a single person. Please know that your “slice” means a lot – to me and I’m certain a lot of others. Your uplifting words act as a virtual hug everyday. Perhaps you’ll continue after the end of the month??
    Thanks for sharing your heart. ❤️

    1. aggiekesler Post author

      Thank you Melisa! I appreciate you reading and commenting. Wish I could get a real hug from you, but a virtual will have to do. I think I will…writing is helping for sure.

  2. Terje

    I know digital connections will never replace face-to-face talk and skin-to-skin touch. I am glad though that digital world allows us FaceTime and GoogleMeet. Sending you a virtual hug.

  3. wordjourneysite

    There is so much uncertainty right now, right here in the USA. I imagine that your isolation and uncertainty are all the more acute as you are so far from home. I can feel the loneliness in your slice and wish a big hug for you!

  4. livinglife816287820

    I absolutely understand your uncertainty about whether to go or stay, we are in the same condition, also being overseas….what are they not telling us?? Hope tomorrow will be a better day for you!


I {heart} comments.